miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2012

Women In Krsna Consciousness - Dandavats.com





Creado por juancas  del 21 de Noviembre del 2012

Women In Krsna Consciousness
Holy Cow!
Progress report on the Vanipedia survey
Iskcon utsav draws huge crowd....
Sankirtan arena of perpetual life

Women in Krsna consciousness

By Jatayu dasa (SDG)
Over the years I have found that women in ISKCON are more often taking leadership positions due to their strong preaching endeavors. Below are appreciations of just a few women I have met in the past few years that have inspired me in my own pursuit of Krsna consciousness. This is certainly only a taste of the many women in ISKCON throughout the world that have struggled just as hard as their male counterparts. Some of the women I have met over the years do immense service, but whatever service they engage in they all have feelings, which should be respected. They also all have realizations that can help all of us in our own Krsna consciousness if we take the time to listen. Whoever they are; whatever they do, they are still devotees of Krsna which makes them glorious, the same as the men who are offering themselves to Krsna through their service. It is this loving service that Krsna responds to in a personal way; it is this loving service that was also gratefully accepted by Srila Prabhupada.
Bhaktin Sally from Denmark

Bhaktin Sally who was born and raised in Denmark has been a devotee for only a few years but is very determined to put Krsna in the center of her life. So one day, she told her husband and daughter that she was going to visit the Radhadesh Temple in Belgium. For eight days Bhaktin Sally spent a pleasant visit at Radhadesh. As she left she gave a cheerful Hari bol to all the residing devotees. While she was there the devotees spontaneously helped Sally who is advanced in years with supplying her basic needs such as fruit, milk and bottled water. They also made sure that she was safely escorted to and from the airport. She said that Radhadesh environment was wonderful, the devotees nice and the surrounding countryside beautiful. She originally got the idea of visiting Radhadesh from an article she read in a BTG magazine about Radhadesh. The article said that Radhadesh was a wonderful spiritual oasis. Bhaktin Sally said that this is more than true. She also said that she was very sorry to leave and to say good-bye to the beautiful deities, Sri Sri Radha Gopinatha. Although not in the best of health Bhaktin Sally visited the deities every morning, attended class every morning and visited the deities every evening during Gaura arati. “I will miss that very much,” she said during a phone call a week later. Her desire is to return soon with plans of staying for a much longer period. She hopes to do some regular service at that time.

Lalasamayi devi dasi from Radhadesh

In 1985 Lalasamayi devi dasi, who resides at the Radhadesh temple, received first initiation. A few years before, she saw the devotees for the first time while they were doing door to door sankirtan. Where they knocked on the door where she lived. Lalasamayi welcomed the devotees in her home. But as she was talking to them her husband said that if the devotees stayed any longer he would call the police. But she kindly reassured them that her husband would not do such a thing. Hari Sakti Dasa was one of the devotees present. The second time she saw them Lalasamayi bought her first book, ‘Science of self-realization.’ Then, after a third visit when the devotees explained the philosophy in more detail, Lalasamayi devi dasi decided to become a devotee herself. At 83 years old she is still an active preacher, still finds sankirtana her favorite preaching activity and assists her spiritual master, HH Bhakti Caru Swami whenever he visits Radhadesh. For 39 years she was married raising a son and a daughter. She said that the deities here, Radha-Gopinatha are so beautiful that They keep you in Radhadesh.

Madhyahna-lila Devi Dasi from Slovenia

During the 2007 summer festival at Radhadesh, the devotees had the pleasure of being the host to the Rasalila Dance Troupe from Slovenia. Among them though was an added surprise, Madhyahna-lila Devi Dasi, the temples’ head pujari. At first sight she appears somewhat shy but the devotees found her to be a very strong and determined devotee. They also found a highly intelligent devotee when she revealed that she received a B. A. in engineering and knows four languages. Originally from Croatia, she became a devotee in 1992, taking initiation from Krsna Ksetra Prabhu. Why did she become a devotee? After reading her first book, “Perfect questions, perfect answers,” she found Krsna consciousness to be a superior lifestyle. As head pujari her main responsibility is to see to the comforts of the temples deities, Pancha tattva, but she also enjoys outside preaching, like at the many Nama-hatta programs in the bigger towns surrounding the temple and in preaching to the 150 guests who visit the temple every Sunday. She smiles slightly when she says that she likes to work under stress, she likes the deep concentration required in such situations. She is the type of devotee that you can depend on to keep things going nicely, over a long period of time.

Urmila Devi Dasi from America

With a deep desire for educating ISKCON’s younger generation, Urmila devi dasi writes articles, gives seminars, raises funds and meets with educational leaders on all continents of the world. The devotees of Radhadesh were honored when she decided to visit them for the purpose of giving seminars and classes to the visiting Pandava Sena group from London who is also currently visiting Radhadesh. Her present service is developing a support system for parents and teachers for educating children. She does this through producing educational material for both parents and teachers, providing training, maintaining centers for both information and research and developing a system for fund raising for it’s long term maintenance. As a disciple of Srila Prabhupada who joined ISKCON in 1973, Urmila has for many years been considered a devotee of high integrity, pocessing deep spiritual realizations. Her first service was distributing her spiritual master’s books in Chicago’s airport which is where she first saw Srila Prabhupada in 1974. When asked, what is the most important advice she could give a new devotee she quickly responded, “Chant with attention, avoiding the ten offenses.” From Radhadesh, Urmila traveled to London, then India and on to New Zealand. ISKCON’s strength and purity comes from devotees like Urmila devi dasi and I am happy to have met her.

Holy Cow!

By Gaurang prasad das
Tirupati, Dec. 1: Scientists taking part in a national seminar on the ‘glory of gomatha’ (cow) have claimed that the animal’s urine could be used to treat cancer patients. Seers attending the seminar urged the Centre to declare the cow as the national animal instead of the tiger. Dr R. S. Chauhan, joint director of the Indian Veterinary Research institute, claimed that cow urine improved immunity and prevented cancer cells from spreading.
An Ayurveda doctor, Sathyasankar Varmudy of Kasargod in Kerala, had treated 1,000 cancer patients using it, claimed Dr Chauhan. He said this while dwelling on the medicinal properties of cow urine and Panchagavya (mix of cow urine, dung, milk, curd and ghee). ‘This will become a wonder drug 20 years from now,’ predicted Dr Chauhan. The life-span of many cancer patients had increased after being treated with cow urine and Panchagavya mix, he said and added that the mix could also be used as a pest resistant and bio fertiliser. Other scientists including Dr M. Maheswari of the Tamil Nadu Agriculture University, Dr D Jayakrishna of Hyderabad, Dr Varmudy and Dr M. Rajaiah of S. V. Ayurveda Hospital in Tirupati dwelt at length on benefits of Panchagavya.
They expressed concern at the depleting number of indigenous varieties of cows and stresssed the need to protect them from extinction. Meanwhile, seers from various mutts asked the government to name the cow as the national animal. Sri Prasanna Venkatachariar Chaturvedi Swamji of the Ramanuja Mission of Chennai questioned the rationale behind selecting tiger as the national animal. ‘We have peacock as national bird and not the vulture,’ he said. ‘And we have lotus as national flower and not the cactus. So it is better to have the cow as national animal.
Article appeared on 2nd Dec 2007 in a Hyderabad(India) daily - Deccan chronicle.

Progress report on the Vanipedia survey

By Visnu Murti dasa
Today on the 1st of December we received response number 101 for our Vanipedia survey. I would like to thank all of the devotees who have offered their reflections into what are the most important subjects in Srila Prabhupada’s teachings that need to be better understood. These reflections are helping us to set up the theme structure in Vaniquotes.
There are quite a few devotees who have contacted me requesting more time to send in their responses as some have been in India for Kartika.
We will wait until the 16th of December until we begin the process of grouping the responses together.
It would be wonderful if we could get another 100 responses in the next 15 days, as that would really help to offer a more conclusive evaluation from the sanga of devotees.
thank you for your time
your servant
Visnu Murti dasa
please respond to me with a private letter to visnu.murti@pamho.net
1. According to you, which three subjects in Srila Prabhupada’s teachings should be comprehensively researched to help you in your individual pursuit of Krishna consciousness?
2. According to you, which three subjects in Srila Prabhupada’s teachings should be comprehensively researched to help you carry out more effectively your service responsibilities for Srila Prabhupada’s mission?
3. According to you, which three subjects in Srila Prabhupada’s teachings should be comprehensively researched to help the overall improvement of the Krishna Consciousness movement in executing Srila Prabhupada’s mission?

Iskcon utsav draws huge crowd….

By Shyam Sunder Priya Das
Three day program ISKCON UTSAV began on Grand note. There was homam, Gita Chanting, Exhorvant Hare Krishna Kirtan ,Dance, bhajan and beautiful Kuchipudi style Krishna and Rama Leela ballet. Venue was very tastefully decorated with over 100 stalls, and noted singers from all over the state rendered devotional Krishna bhajans of a Vaishnav poet Anamacharya and the whole area echoed with Hare Krishna Kirtan as thousands of participants were chanting as loud as they could.
Dignitaries like Anam Ramnarayan Reddy, Minister for Tourism ,and Konathala Rama Krishna, Minister for commercial taxes (Govt of A. P.),along with seven MLA’s of Visakhapatnam district and District congress head participated in Homam and inaugratuion of ISKCON UTSAV. Responding to the request of ISKCON visakhapatnam, Tourism minister promised that more land will be alloted to ISKCON in future. On the last day of the UTSAV some local congregation took initiation. HH Jayapataka Maharaj lead Hare Krishna Kirtan with 10 to 15 thousand of people with his usual big jumper, and the local youth congregation were dancing wildly in front of the stage. There was very huge colourful Gas balloons , inflatable two ganeshas moving around and entertaining children , stalls displaying various products of different companies, banks, insurance, real estates, decors, Electronic products, Cars, Food stalls, children games, Free homeopathy stall ,with small merry go rounds for children etc.
There were number of ISKCON Stalls displaying Srila Prabhupad Books, Paraphanelia, Lifemembership stalls, Food for life stalls, Go seva stall, mandir nirman seva stall, Spiritual Q& A Stall ,and inside one hall there was continuous ISKCON Multimedia presentation. There was continuous mass Prasadam Distribution. Newspaper & TV channel gave very colorful wide coverage. It seems visakhapatnam people have liking for this kind of festivals
It was heartening to see such a huge crowd in our ISKCON FESTIVAL in vizag, thanks to the Traffic police arrangements, the parking went as long as 2km.
Your servant, Shyam Sunder Priya Das

Sankirtan arena of perpetual life

Bhakta Rod Davis:
“It is not the critic who counts;
nor the man who points out how the strong man stumbled,
or where the doer of deeds could have done better.

The credit belong to the man who is actually in the arena;
whose face is marred by dust, sweat, blood and tears;
who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again.

Who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends
himself in a worthy cause.

Who at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement;
and who at the worst,
if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly.

So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls,
who know neither victory nor defeat. This is the difference between those who have
experienced the nectar of distributing Srila Prabhupada books and those who have
never had the good fortune to disributed his wonderful books”




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