jueves, 18 de octubre de 2012

31SC - HG Sanjaya Prabhu ACBSP passed away





Creado por juancas  del 18 de Octubre del 2012

HG Sanjaya Prabhu ACBSP passed away

6,052 Views  hasta 2012 » HG Sanjaya Prabhu ACBSP passed away

By Ananta Purusottama das
Hare Krsna Prabhus,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
It is with deep regret I have to inform you that Sanjaya Prabhu (Srila Prabhupada disciple) passed away yesterday afternoon. He died peacefully in his sleep. As some of you may know Sanjaya had been ill for some time. He leaves behind his wife and three children, who are all quite young. Please offer your prayers for all the family at this time.
We held many hours of kirtan and spoke of our memories of Sanjaya Prabhu, the whole event was wonderful, the kirtans were very sweet, it was all very moving, especially to see so much love and affection, for Sanjaya, who never had a bad word to say about anyone, was always very positive and cheerful and was always friendly to everyone. (This event was held at the familys’ house on the day of Sanjaya’s passing, a full memorial will be held soon at Bhaktivedanta Manor)
Sanjaya was part of the Radha Damodara party in the USA in the 1970’s, he has distributed thousands of books for Srila Prabhupada and obviously has received Prabhupadas mercy, and the mercy of Lord Caitanya. Sanjaya Prabhu has been in the UK since around 1983, and has performed various services. He never lost his preaching spirit, and was always eager to tell people about Lord Krsna, plus he always loved to talk about Srila Prabhupada. Before his illness he was known to go out and distribute books frequently, though he kept it very quiet. Even when he was in hospital, he would be preaching to others. He never wanted any honor for himself.
Recently he has been serving Srimati Tulasi devi at Bhaktivedanta Manor, despite his illness, and he would go to the manor every evening, to arrange the whole Damodarastakam arati, making sure somebody was there to lead kirtan, giving out the song sheets to the everyone, including the guests, and he would make a short announcement before the singing began to explain what was the song was about.
The evening before he passed away, he was at Bhaktivedanta Manor, and was observed being right up close to the deities singing very loudly and clapping with a big smile on his face. I am sure he carried that blissful consciousness with him right through to the next day. He will be sorely missed by all the devotees. It is rare to find a devotee who never critises anyone, and who is so eager to talk about Krsna to others.
Lord Krsna states in the Bhagavad-gita One who is equal to friends and enemies, who is equipoised in honor and dishonor is very dear to me.
Sanjaya Prabhu ki jaya!
Your servant,
Ananta Purusottama das

Comments • [comment feed]

1Bhima das
I knew Sanjaya prabhu when we stayed in the 55th street temple. He was always enthusiastic about chanting and especially book distribution. His team player attitude caused wonderful things in devotional service to happen.
Bhima das ACBSP
Comment posted by Bhima das on November 22nd, 2007
2Kavicandra Swami
I rememeber him as a young boy who immediately took to book distribution and quickly became an expert. When I last saw him at the manor all he talked about was how blissful it was to distribute books. I hope that he will shower his mercy on me so that I can lose my taste for criticizing devotees.
Kavicandra Swami
Comment posted by Kavicandra Swami on November 22nd, 2007
3Ramabhadra das
Dear Devotees
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I had the good fortune of Sanjaya Prabhu’s association during the years 1976-1982 and for brief periods of time from 1990-1992.
Sanjaya Prabhu and I were roommates for some time at the West 55th St. Hare Krishna temple, Sri Sri Radha Govinda Mandira in New York City.
We distributed Srila Prabhupada’s books together at Port Authority Bus Terminal, Pennsylvania Station on 7th Ave., Grand Central Station, and we were Sankirtan partners working Transworld Airlines Terminal (TWA) at John F. Kennedy Airport.
Sanjaya Prabhu was highly motivated to distribute Srila Prabhupada’s with great determination. When Sanjaya Prabhu was sailing smoothly with that intense quality of devotional enthusiasm, only a very few gifted book distributors e. g. Vaishesika Prabhu and Praghosa Prabhu, among the male book distributors in New York City, were able to get more books distributed in a day. Sanjaya Prabhu averaged 20-30 Maha-Big books daily and often 35-50 Maha-Big books on Friday which was generally the most productive day of the week to distribute Srila Prabhupada’s books.
I feel safe in estimating Sanjaya Prabhu distributed, considering various book categories Maha-Big books, Big Books, Small books, BTG’s etc., somewhere in the range of 100,000 books for the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada in his early years as a Sankirtan devotee. Sanjaya Prabhu was a caring, humble, respectful devotee and in addition to his dedication and skill distributing Srila Prabhupada’s books Sanjaya Prabhu was a very soft hearted devote and exemplified an exceptional loving devotional mood in his worship of Sri Sri Radha Krishna, the Vijay-vigraha of New York ISKCON. Sri Sri Radha Krishna were installed personally by Srila Prabhupada in April 1968 at 26 2nd Ave. New York City and Their Lordships became Sanjaya Prabhu’s favorite deity in New York ISKCON.
Sanjaya Prabhu was a very meticulous Pujari, expert at caring for and decorating Sri Sri Radha Krishna. He advised me once to “ be careful worshipping the Deity and not to allow the humble devotional attitude to become a victim of an attitude of approaching the Deity in the mode of passion.” In 1990-1992 Sanjaya Prabhu occasionally visited us at Sri Sri Radha Govinda temple in Brooklyn New York when he was passing through making wholesale purchases of Korean produced paintings for his business in England. In 1990 when he visited he made a humble request asking me if I could help him by supplying him some Sri Sri Radha Krishna prasadam dresses. Sanjaya Prabhu at that time was worshiping small Radha Krishna deities in his home in England and he wanted to care for his home deities, and re-awaken his West 55th St mood, a special caring and loving mood, in worship of Radha Krishna.
He wanted his home deity painted to look exactly like New York ISKCON Radha Krishna to continue on the path of devotion he started in his early years. By receiving the prasadam dresses of New York Sri Sri Radha Krishna along with painting his home Deity to appear as exact replica’s, that initiative would go a long way to complete the advent of his old and dear Istadeva in his home. At that time I gave Sanjaya Prabhu approximately seven retired West 55th St. Radha Krishna prasadam dresses to facilitate his devotional goal to rekindle that old flame of caring love and devotion for Sri Sri Radha Krishna. A few months after Sanjaya Prabhu visited us in Brooklyn and I gave him the deity dresses I was scheduling my annual visit to Vrndavana and Mayapur.
Sanjaya Prabhu contacted me requesting I visit him as a guest in his home in England, so I could have darshan of his Radha Krishna deity, now with Their beautiful West 55th St standard dresses. When I arrived at Sanjaya Prabhu’s home and after settling in he took me to the temple room in his home for darshan with his Deity. After offering obeisances to his Sri Sri Radha Krishna deity and taking a careful look at his Deity, with the old New York Radha Krishna prasadam dress and his expert and elegant style of decorating the Deity, I was very surprised and quite impressed with the accuracy of the facial painting replication he achieved, making his home deity appear 100% exactly like New York West 55th St Radha Krishna.
Sanjaya Prabhu was very happy that he had captured his old Deities, and brought Their Lordships to his home. Sanjaya Prabhu was a very dedicated devotee. In Atlanta in 1975 on a walk with the Radha Damodar Bus Party Sankirtan devotees Srila Prabhupada was asked by a Sannyasi disciple what service pleased him the most? Srila Prabhupada replied “when I see that my disciple is learning to love Krishna”.
Sanjaya Prabhu not only distributed a Tractor Trailer load of books but also pleased Srila Prabhupada by his striving up to recent days to keep that devotional flame burning. I am certain he pleased Srila Prabhupada very much. I was very surprised to read of Sanjaya Prabhu’s passing on, now he is so much closer to that ultimate darshan in Sri Krishna’s Abode of Truth, with his eternal master Srila Prabhupada and his eternal Lords Sri Sri Radha Krishna. I will arrange a special offering on his behalf of quality food preps and fragrant flowers, to his old and dear Deity Sri Sri Radha Krishna, simply because I know he would want Their Lordships to be pleased and enjoy the best items offered with love and devotion, just as he offered to Sri Sri Radha Krishna when he served in Their temple. All glories to Sanjaya das Prabhu the dedicated servant of His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada.
Your insignificant servant, Ramabhadra das
Comment posted by Ramabhadra das on November 22nd, 2007
4Hari Sauri dasa
Many thanks Rambhadra prabhu for your remembrances of Sriman Sanjaya prabhu. Like you I was surprised to hear of his sudden passing. I didn’t know that he was ill. I last saw him at the Manor last summer and he was his usual exhuberant self.
Although I never did any service with him we had a good friendly relationship. He was so enthusiastic to hear about Srila Prabhupada and to inform others about him. His book distribution exploits were renowned, he was one of the best to be sure. We have lost the association of a Godbrother who did wonderful and significant service for many years, and I am sure that Srila Prabhupada and Krsna have suitably rewarded him for his dedication and surrender.
Your humble servant, Hari-sauri dasa
Comment posted by Hari Sauri dasa on November 22nd, 2007
5urmila devi dasi
Please accept my obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Who can forget Sanjaya and his enthusiastic book distribution in the 55th Street New York temple? He’s one of the people in the photo on the roof that was in Back to Godhead.
He has lived near the Manor for a long time and I sometimes spoke to him there. His wife works at the Manor school. He would do morning worship and household duties at home and then chant all his rounds in front of the Deities from 9-11 in the morning, every day. He continued to do book distribution his whole life.
A few months ago, he had a heart attack and was in the hospital for some time in great pain. He told me that he was extremely grateful for the situation and even the pain since he totally focused on his chanting. Sanjaya explained to me that he even felt he’d prefer to stay in the hospital in pain since he was able to really give his heart to the holy name. He told me that he felt very ready to leave his body, but that Krsna simply wouldn’t take him.
He was always a happy, smiling, friendly person, ready to serve the Lord and the devotees. It was a privilege to know him.
Your servant, Urmila devi dasi
Comment posted by urmila devi dasi on November 22nd, 2007
I remember Sanjaya Prabhu as having a nice smiling face and a disposition to go with it.
Also I remember he was very serious about distibuting Srila Prabhupada’s books, and that it should be done in a pure way. We will miss him.

Comment posted by trivikramaswami on November 22nd, 2007
Dear Devotees, I was also surprised and saddened by the news of the departure of the Maha-Ratha book distributor, Sanjaya Prabhu. His name is legend in the sankirtan newsletters of the 1970’s. My memory of meeting him has never left me.
I was sitting in the Healthy, Wealthy & Wise, (the London Soho St restaurant, as it was called in those days) with the local big collectors and he came over and introduced himself. He told us he had just sold a number of big books on Oxford St. (This wasn’t the “collect money and give a book” method, this was straight book selling (as we termed it) sold on the merits of the devotee and the book.
I was astounded at meeting Sanjaya Prabhu, as I had followed his name in the sankirtan newletter, year in, year out, and knew he was amongst the best in the movement at convincing people to purchase a book of His Divine Grace.
I asked him “I didn’t know you were in England, when did you arrive”
“To-day” he laughed.
He had just got off the plane from America that very day and was already out on the street selling books.

Vamsi Vadana Das
Comment posted by vamsi on November 22nd, 2007
8Trai das
I was very surprised to hear about Sanjaya Prabhu’s leaving us. The last time I saw him was a year ago at the Manor and all he would talk about was Krsna and distributing Prabhupadas books he was very happy and enthusiastic. He said in a very off hand way that he had some health problem but it didn’t seem so important. He was simply absorbed in the dieties and the books not one word about the movements problems or lamenting about someone as often happens. I was very happy to see him.
As Ramabhadra Prabhu recounted I was also there at that time with them and we often went out toghther or to the airport or the “stations” we called Sanjaya the barracuda small and ” deadly” noone could escape without a book once he focused in on someone they were going to recive the mercy of Srila Prabhupada.
He was very determined to distribute Prabhupada’s books and I was always on the mental platform he always pulled me to the transcendental platform by his unstoppable enthusiasm and conviction to distribute Prabhupada’s books. I hope that in some future life we can be toghther again in Srila Prabhupada’s service distributing his books wherever Krsna wills with all our other Godbrothers.
Your servant and eternal friend Trai das
Comment posted by Trai das on November 22nd, 2007
I look forward to seeing photos of His Grace Sanjaya Prabhu as they become available.
It is inspiring and purifying to hear the devotees being glorified. There are so many glorious devotees, not only among our famous sannyasis and public leaders.
I suppose it is natural that we hear about their glories upon their passing away, but we should also hear more about them while we can still take advantage of their personal association. Maybe it would be too embarrasing for them to be publicly praised, though. We just need to whisper their glories around to each other while they are still present, so as not to annoy them.
I do not know if I ever met Sanjaya Prabhu. I am sure we must have been in some of the same kirtans or Ratha Yatras. When I see his picture maybe I will recognize him. When I hear the descriptions of his blissful book distribution I am eager get his association.
” . . . Sanjaya, who never had a bad word to say about anyone, was always very positive and cheerful and was always friendly to everyone.” This is high praise indeed.
We have many devotees in ISKCON to whom such words apply, and they are truly great souls. It cannot be a coincidence that so many of them are book distributors.
Comment posted by Akruranatha on November 22nd, 2007
10urmila devi dasi
That photo of Sanjaya is in Back to Godhead, issue 15-07 in 1980, in relationship to the article, “Becoming a Devotee of Krsna, ” by Yogesvara Prabhu
Your servant, Urmila devi dasi
Comment posted by urmila devi dasi on November 22nd, 2007
11Kesava Krsna dasa
Dear Prabhus and Matajis,
In the early eighties Sanjaya prabhu took over the running of QFA. For a while he took me onboard to become his ‘bulldog.’ He would get me to do the unpopular tasks such as giving out petty cash to the sankirtana devotees as miserly as possible. I also had to give out the oil paintings without favor or intimidation. These and other services did not make me very popular. But he would be pleased and give glowing reports to the then GBC who showed appreciation for my efforts. This resulted in us spending a lot of time together. He was like a devotee technocrat at the time.
I always liked his very expressive way of playing the mrdanga - he really did put a lot of emotion in a flamboyant sort of way. He could be very jovial and dead serious soon after. When giving class he liked to illustrate his talks with sankirtana stories. In this way I have fond memories of him. I hope the devotees give him a good send off.
Ys, Kesava Krsna dasa.
Comment posted by Kesava Krsna dasa on November 22nd, 2007
12Laksmi Nrsimha Das
Dear Vaisnavas and Vaisnavis:
I was deeply saddened by the news of Sanjaya Prabhu’s recent departure. I was truly fortunate to have the association of this wonderful Vaisnava both during the Radha Damodara days and at the 55th street temple. At all times he was enthusiasm personified in every aspect of his service, especially in distributing Srila Prabhupada’s books on the parking lots of America and in the tough streets and airports of NYC. He was a sankirtan soldier and truly one of the maha rathas of those days along with Vaisesika, Praghosa, Kasirama, Sura, Trai Das Ramabhadra and the rest.
I have vivid images of him (jogged by Ramabhadra’s lucid recollections) in his chaddar and brahmacari dhoti coming off the altar after serving his beloved Sri Sri Radha Govindaji, his face illuminated by a broad and affectionate smile. He was a whirling dervish in kirtan and a compassionate friend to all the devotees who had the good fortune of being in his exemplary association.
He will be sorely missed!
Sanjaya Prabhu ki jaya!!
your servant,
Laksmi Nrsimha Das

Comment posted by Laksmi Nrsimha Das on November 23rd, 2007
13Krishna Dharma
My wife Cintamani and I, who both spent a number of years serving with Sanjaya prabhu, are deeply saddened by his sudden departure. We remember him as a gentle and kind hearted soul, completely dedicated to Srila Prabhupada. Surely he has attained an all-auspicious destination. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family at this very difficult time for them.
“As a player sets up and disperses his playthings according to his own sweet will, so the supreme will of the Lord brings men together and separates them.” SB 1.13.43
Comment posted by Krishna Dharma on November 23rd, 2007
I am so happy to see all these wonderful remembrances of Sanjaya Prabhu. I was with his family last night, and I told Sanjayas’ son this website, the whole family will be so grateful and endeared to all seeing these wonderful praises. Please keep them coming.
The family is getting so much support from the many friends of the family. They are a lovely family, and are gaining strength seeing the love and affection pouring forth from all over the globe.
Comment posted by Ananta Purusottama on November 23rd, 2007
I had the good fortune to witness Sanjaya Prabhu’s bubbling enthusiasm for book distribution during a brief stay at the W55th temple in NY in 1979. I truly envied his dedication as a book distributor. Later on during a visit to the Manor, I heard Sanjay Prabu recounting a sankirtan story of his in which he was held up at gun-point by some crazy fellow in the New York Port Authority bus station. He thought that this was his last moment and he began chanting the Holy Names with great intensitywhen all of a sudden he heard the word “Freeze!” coming from the side. It was a cop who had spotted the incident and had his gun pointed at the crazy man’s head who after some tense moments surrendered. The way Sanjay Prabhu recounted the story had all the devotees doubled up in laughter. Sanjay Prabhu was exemplary as a book distributor and will always remain as an inspiration to all the devotees.
Comment posted by Paradhyeya das on November 23rd, 2007
16Gokulananda das (UK)
I have known Sanjaya for many many years-as far back as 1979 .
He was my sankirtan leader for some time when he was married to Bhumi who would cook us prasadam when we were hungry after a whole day out on Sankirtan. It was like a family. I remember him to be very enthusiastic, honest, sincere, amiable, cheerful and very personal and sensitive to other people feelings.
Even when in so much personal troubles either with his health, with legal matters or finances he never liked to trouble others and kept his pains very much to himself. He was a great mrdanga player and an affectionate father which shows in how well turned out his children became.
I always liked him and I can honestly say that I had nothing bad to ever say about him. I shall miss him very much as we all shall. He was my comptemporary and I suppose that it is a wake up call to make us aware that life has a purpose beyond the maintenaice and preoccupation of the body.
In the demise of his body as in life he continues to instruct us and I am sure that Krishna is very fond of him because his sincerity overided any human weaknesses he may have struggled with.
He came to Greece for my weeding in 1986 and as a gift he gave my wife to be the jewels of his own marriage! Right up to the end he performed devotional service discreetly and selflessly despite his pains and troubles.
Right up to the last moment he came to the temple and would find solace there. I would see him often in Prabhupada’s rooms chanting his rounds alone. His heart was truly in the right place and forever a devotee and for this alone we know that whatever journey that follows for him is going to be auspicious and glorious. He told me that through his pains Krishna was there for him when he laid on his hospital bed .
For a devotee Krishna never abandons him..My heart goes out for his family and if it is any solace know that his future is bright and the demise of his body was as painless as we can ever hope for. He is now in Krishna’s loving hands but leaves us all bereft of a truly special person.
Gokulananda das ACBSP (UK)

Comment posted by Gokulananda das (UK) on November 24th, 2007
17Shyamasundara Dasa
Dear Maharajas, Prabhus and Matajis,
Please accept my humble obeisance. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Bhakti-vighna-vinasa Narasimhadeva Bhagavan ki jaya!
I was privileged to have the association of Sriman Sanjay Prabhu during my stay at the Sri-Sri Radha-Govinda Mandir at the Manhatten 55th street temple in 1979-80. At that time Bhavanada Prabhu was a co-GBC for NYC and it was often commented that Sanjay Prabhu looked like he could be a younger brother of Bhavananda Prabhu. They even had a similar style; one might say he was a bit flamboyant in a very agreeable way. He was a senior devotee in the temple and though he commanded a lot of respect because of his great sacrifice and devotional service he was always, humble, friendly and approachable.
The Deity worship at the 55th street had one of the highest standards in ISKCON and was well organized. The temple then had a lot of manpower (200-250 residents in the temple) so everyone was competing for the privilege of doing even some small service for the Deities. Every morning during my stay Sanjay Prabhu along with Satyanarayan Prabhu, Jayadvaita Svami (then Brahmacari) and I would go on the altar and chant the complete Brahma Samhita (all 62 verses) to a melody reminiscent of the Venkateshvara Subrabhatam while the Deities were being undressed and worshiped. It was a very transcendental activity and we would practically float off the altar when we were finished. I remember Sanjay Prabhu to be very enthusiastic to organize and perform this service for the Deities.
Sanjay Prabhu had a very charming and charismatic personality, always smiling, jovial, energetic, friendly and so sincere. He was very dedicated to his service to our beloved Srila Prabhupada. I always had a lot of affection for him. After I moved to India in 1980 I lost contact with him and always wondered what had happened to Sanjaya Prabhu and when I would again have the association of such a nice devotee of the Lord. I am thus very saddened to hear of his departure for I shall not have his association again in this life. May Lord Caitanya and the Pancatattva bless him and take him in to Their eternal sankirtana lila.
Your humble servant
Shyamasundara Dasa

Comment posted by Shyamasundara Dasa on November 24th, 2007
Haribol Prabhus
I will pass on all these comments to the family, as I happen to know their computer is broken right now, and it’s obviously the last of their problems. We have all been very sad over here. Tomorrow is the funeral, and Tuesday is a memorial at Bhaktivedanta Manor, starting at 6pm, where devotees will tell there memories of Sanjaya.
We may get to read some of the comments from here Tuesday evening as well, hopefully. I am not in charge of the proceedings, but I will see what I can do.
Comment posted by Ananta Purusottama on November 25th, 2007
Dandavat pranams
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
I first met Sanjaya Prabhu in 1982 at the Mayapure Vrindavan festival and we had always heard about the fired up sankirtana men from the US from HH Devamrta Swami, and here was Sanjaya Prabhu -and his presence was beaming, he was a fired up sankirtana man, and he gave me so much good advise and told me so many pastimes about bookdistribution in USA, immediately he was my hero, I needed not see his scores to know he was a first class book distributor, his charisma and his KC everything , just told me here is a person that was fully surrendered to distributing Srila Prabhupadas books , and who had so much love for Srila Prabhupada, I met him again once in NY and another time in the Bhaktivedanta Manor, and just recently I wondered where he was,.
I am so glad Srila Prabhupada and Krsna gave me some of his association- and I offer my prostrated obaisences to my dear Goduncle His Grace Sanjaya Prabhu - who had so much appreciation for other bookdistributors.We have now lost two sankirtana Maharathis , who went back to Godhead– however I am curious to know if Sanjaya Prabhu left his body during Bhisma Pancaka , it would be befitting as he was a stalwart sankirtana warrior- blessing this earth with the holy dust from his lotusfeet as he was distributing the holy name and Srila Prabhupadas books–Someone mentioned his kirtanas too—I just recall from Vrindavan his sweet chanting of Hare Krsna.Surely Lord Gauranga has brought Sanjaya Prabhu into His eternal pastimes, to be with Srila Prabhupada.
Your humble servant
Payonidhi das

Comment posted by varahanarasimha on November 27th, 2007
I was sad to hear about this event.
I was not aware of his Illness, what happened?
The last I saw him was when I was living in the UK in the late 1980’s. I want to extend my condolences to his wife and kids.
Me and Sanjaya prabhu preached together at the Philadelphia Airport and the New York Port Authority. We distributed Prabhupada’s books side by side (this was in the 1970’s). Sanjaya was amazing at distributing Prabhupada’s books and I really was inspired by his determanation and by his BIG results at book distribution.
Sanjaya Dasa Prabhu, was not an ordinary person and for that matter no Iskcon devotee is ordinary. I hope the devotees in Iskcon will honor his memory by remembering that book distribution is the heart and soul of Iskcon and all preaching should support book distribution.
I hope the UK devotees will be inspired to renew book distribution and Harinamas in the UK.

This will please HDG Srila Prabhupada and His sincere disciples like Sanjaya Dasa.
All Glories to HDG Srila Prabhupada
All Glories to HG Sanjaya dasa (Prabhu)
Your servant,
Jaya Madhava Dasa (ACBSP) Moscow-Russia

Comment posted by Jaya Madhava Dasa on November 28th, 2007
Hare Krsna Prabhu
I wanted to let you all know that we have now held both the funreal and memorial for His Grace Sanjaya Prabhu. Firstly, on Monday at the funeral: At least 100 devotees atteneded, (I know more would have but in some cases were unable). It was a very moving yet beautful experience for us all. Sanjayas son who is 17 read out something he had written for the day, he has been very brave throughout the whole ordeal, trying his best to be the man of the house, to support his mother and sisters. He spoke of Sanjayas dedication as a father, and a sincere devotee. The Orissa, who is only 11, also very bravely read out something she had written, there was hardly a dry eye in the chapel, but what she said was very moving. I am going to get a copy from Markandeya, the son, of what they both wrote soon, but now we are giving them some space, it has been a very busy and hectic 10 days for them all.
Yesterday (Tuesday the 27th) was the memorial at Bhaktivedanta Manor. First we had we had a fantastic feast, with preps chosen by his wife. After we had a special Damodarastakam Prayers (yes I know it finished Saturday), but as Sanjaya for the last four years was taking care of the arrangements for Damodarastakam, we felt it was fitting, his family wanted it very much. At the end his daughter, Orissa, thanked everybody for coming and all the love and support the family has received over this difficult period. Next we began listening to various devotees talk about Sanjaya, it was very enlivening and funny. Everybody was very happy. Just as Lord Krsna says in teh Bhagavad-gita how devotees are enlivened talking about Him, similarly we were so enlivened hearing about the devotee of the Lord. AS I write this we are preparing to have come more memories FRiday evening as so many wanted to speak about Sanjaya, at that time I will try to get some of the tributes from here read out. Please, if anyone else would like something read out, please post if before Friday evening. Haribol
PS. More to follow!
Comment posted by Ananta Purusottama on November 28th, 2007
Sanjaya Prabhu,
We were roommates in NYC ISKCON at West 55th Street from 1979-1980. Although our services differed we were friends and comrades in our work for Srila Prabhupada. You were distributing books. I was in the kitchen. Book distributors were undoubtedly doing the heavy lifting to please Srila Prabhupada. I remember you were proud to represent him and the BBT. You took special care and pleasure in dressing to a “T” as their representative in the finest suits available that had been left behind by their owners at local dry cleaners. You were affectionately likened to a Barracuda for your style of quickly approaching a person and making a book sale. Some said there was a little elitism among book distributors toward devotees doing other services. You were definitely not an elitist. You showed your appreciation for devotees of all persuasions. We loved you for that. You got your hands dirty on Sundays, delighted to help make a large batch of coconut or tomato chutney for the Lord. In the morning we chanted Brahma Samhita together after mangala arati, and you did the puja for the small Sri Sri Radha Krishna deities. I can still see you; scented oil Q-tip behind your ear, gleefully catching devotees to rub the maha-prasadam-scent on the backs of hands during guru puja.
Sanjaya, as you matured you searched for additional ways to present Krishna Consciousness to catch the imagination of all kinds of people. You developed a presentation and Krishna conscious commentary about how the world is ruled. You visited Ireland and then narrated a slide show to our first children’s summer camp in Lake Huntington about leprechauns and Krishna Consciousness.
Sanjaya, I was sad to hear of your passing. I hope it means you left to continue to assist Srila Prabhupada and Lord Caitanya in another capacity. Thank you for your association. Your godbrother and friend,
Vishnugada dasa
Comment posted by Vishnugada dasa on November 30th, 2007
hare krishna sanjaya prabhu
nothing touches me more than the departure of my sankirtan general, mentor,leader,friend,sanjaya prabhu, i could envision his smile,class act devotee, his way of aproaching life itself, hes very fond of lil radha krishna deities in new york city ,he dress them in the morning, when radha govinda move to 7th avenue,always singing softly, the altar in 7rh avenue was so close to the temple room,it was a far cry from 55 st,it was only seperated by a thin red curtain, i remember at one time the small deities,fell , u could hear the thump sound, sanjaya immediately run to the altar, hug the deities like a faher hugging a lil baby , cradllng the deities in his arms, he train me to be a sankirtan devotee,what to say,what to eat,how to be neat,i could see him wearing his rolex watch, we would go to brooks brothers to get us gray pants,suit and tie,he tried to teach me how to play the drums, being hard headed never learn it lol, i would do whatever he wants me to do, i was his assistant,i love doing it, one day he said to me, now you be a sankirtan leader, i remember looking at his soldiers, yaduganguli,kavidatt,janmastami,jad bharat,mahaprabhu,ram ray,amritamsa,vidura,to name a few,rupa sanatan, the ever great sankirtan helper,and everything, , looking at then nervous, somehow i hold on to that position for 7 different times in new york city,yes i did make lots and lots of mistakes, but the thing about it we distributed lots of srila prabhupadas books, thats all due to sanjaya way of training us up, glorious days cause its all due to your expertise my good friend sanjaya prabhu, i just did hope i was able to talk to you when you were in england,my last contact with you was in brooklyn temple,we laugh together remembering our good days in 340 west 55street,you dont seems to bothered by anything wrong happen in new york at all, always got that irish smile, you will be miss forever,my prayers and respect to your family, hare krishna prabhu!

Comment posted by namsankirtan on December 2nd, 2007
Hare Krishna, All glories to Sanjaya Das as we knew him.
My husband and I were a young Indian couple in 1978 when we had just moved to Connecticut from the Potomoc, Maryland area where we enjoyed congregating at the Sri Sri Radha Madanmohan temple.
We were new to ISKCON and I was very happy to discover an ISKCON preaching center in East Harford, CT. where Sanjaya, a young devotee himself was the temple President for a some period of time. His enthusiasm and preaching mood in Krsna consciousness was infectious.
In the short period of time that he ran the temple, he managed to get the local TV stations such as the NBC news to talk about the new temple and the Hare Krsna philosophy on telelevison. He visited several homes, showed us video presentations of ISCON and Srila Prabhupad. He gave us so much service that we did not even realize at that time how he so nicely made us serve Krsna by creating so much enthusiasm in us.
I particularly remember one incident where some residents near the East Hartford temple were envious and intolerant of thier new shaven headed neighbors.
These prankster boys would shout from across the street, “You rascal Hare Krishnas” and Sanjaya Das would reply, “What?” and they would repeatedly say the same phrase over and over again. What a clever way of making these foolish boys say the holy name and somehow bring good fortune into their lives!
We have not seen or heard much of Sanjaya since he left the East Hartford temple (and we missed his enthusiasm and encouragement very much), except that he now lived in London.
We are greatly saddened by the passing of our one time friend and temple president Sanjaya Das, and are happy read so much about him in these memories.
With my gratitude to him for watering my Bhakti Lata Bij and helping it to grow.
Geetha Shenoy
East Hartford, CT

Comment posted by gshenoy on December 6th, 2007




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