jueves, 18 de octubre de 2012

35SC - Guide to Navadvipa Dhama





Creado por juancas  del 18 de Octubre del 2012

Guide to Navadvipa Dhama

4,907 Views hasta 2012 » Guide to Navadvipa Dhama
By Manjari dasi
Celebrate Gaura Purnima Immersed In The Sweet All-Merciful Pastimes Of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu In Sri Navadvipa From Anywhere In The World!!
Whether you will be in the West or in Mayapur for Gaura Purnima, it does not matter. The dhama and its mercy are not limited by time, place, or space. Bhaktivenoda Thakura explains this in Navadvipa Dhama Mahatmya — we get the same spiritual benefit just by meditating on the dhama as if we were actually there. This is so easy with “Gauradesa, A Devotional Guide to Navadvipa Dhama,” the best-selling book on Navadvipa dhama.
HH LOKANATHA MAHARAJA “Gauradesa is the latest treasure on Navadvipa Mandala. It is the most comprehensive, most illustrated and most practical guidebook on Gaura Mandala. It is very popular during the ISKCON Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama with myself and many other devotees. A wonderful book.”
HH MUKUNDA GOSWAMI “This book gives a clear presentation of all the places of pilgrimage through its beautiful layout, many color pictures and maps. It also gives most delightful renditions of the pastimes if Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu at every place in Navadipa dhama. This book will give the readers unlimited joy.”
This book also follows the same parikrama sequence that Lord Nityananda used to take Jiva Goswami on Navadvipa parikrama. It is the best book whether you take it with you on parikrama in Mayapura OR …
do an armchair parikrama from anywhere in the world (its much cheaper and your feet don’t hurt!). Just:
* Read the directions/maps and imagine yourself on parikrama to Yogapitha,…
* Look at the beautiful pictures of the Deities, Ganga, the places, etc. and visualize yourself there immersed in kirtana and katha with the devotees,…
* Read the sweet renditions of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu pastimes with His associates at each and every place, …
* Gaze at the free poster of Gauranga dancing in bliss in Mayapura and become lost in Audarya Dhama, the dhama that overflows with causeless grace!
“Gauradesa, A Devotional Guide to Navadvipa Dhama” is reprinted with the latest information on the dhama and is available from the following suppliers:
ENGLAND and EUROPE BLS (Bhaktivedanta Library Services) Petite Somme 2, 6940 Durbuy, Belgium E-mail: bls.orders@pamho.net Tel: +32 86 323280 - Fax: +32 86 322029
AMERICA (First edition) Krishna Culture PO Box 926337, Houston, TX 77292 USA Phone: 1-800-829-2579 in USA and Canada : 713-290-8715 from other countries Fax: 713-290-8720 Email: seva@krishnaculture.com
INDIA Ras Bihari Lal & Sons, Loi Bazar, Vrndavana, Dist. Mathura, UP, India Phone: 91-(0)565-2442-570 Email: brijwasi2001@hotmail.com And Srila Prabhupada Samadhi Mandir/Sri Mayapura Chandrodayah Mandir bookshops, Sri Navadvipa, Dist. Nadia, West Bengal, India
Contact the author for wholesale and other queries: manjari.bcs@pamho.net

The 10 Defenses

2,684 Views - hasta 2012» The 10 Defenses
In his book, The Art of Chanting Hare Krishna, HH Mahanidhi Swami lists “ten actions… to protect one from the tendency to make offenses” that originally appear in Srila Sacidananda Bhaktivinoda Thakur’s Harinama Cintamani. I typed them up, in a slightly paraphrased form, when I first read Mahanidhi Swami’s book and thought I would reproduce them here as well.
The 10 Defenses
1. Serve those who serve the Lord, don’t criticize them out of envy or false ego.
2. Worship Krishna as the “source of all spiritual and material worlds”, “the ultimate beneficiary of all sacrifices and austerities, the Supreme Lord of all planets and demigods and the benefactor and well-wisher of all living entities.” Show respect to demigods like Lord Siva or Ganesh and personalities like Hanuman as exalted devotees of Lord Krishna.
3. Show full respect to the spiritual master in thoughts, words and actions, considering him to be a representative of the Lord. Carry out the orders of the spiritual master with enthusiasm and attention to detail.
4. Honor (and study) the scriptures as the instructions of the Supreme Lord (dharmam tu saksad bhagavat pranitam) with the desire to understand how they are correct (not if they are correct).
5. Have faith that the Holy Name is not a mundane sound vibration, but is in fact transcendental sound, descending from the (pure) spiritual platform.
6. Have faith in the explanations and glorification of the Holy Name given by guru, sadhu and sastra. This knowledge is given by those who have experienced the glories of the Holy Name, and who have “seen the truth.”
7. Root out the desire to commit sins. A sin is an action that is not connected to the Supreme Lord; something done for the gratification of the senses. Acting only for the pleasure of the material body brings you further from practical realization of your factual identity as an eternal spirit soul (separate from the temporary material body).
8. Give up ritualistic pious activities. Transcend feelings of duty and obligation and perform all activities for the pleasure of Krishna.
9. Discuss the glories of the Holy Name with servants of the Lord who will relish hearing about it.
10. Chant attentively, absorbing your full consciousness in the transcendental vibration of the Holy Name.
Mahanidhi Swami also notes that one who cultivates the four qualities of humility, tolerance, pridelessness, and respect for others will be protected from committing the ten offenses.





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