Creado por juancas del 18 de Octubre del 2012
11th Historic Ludhiana Ratha Yatra
1,719 Views hasta el 2012 » 11th Historic Ludhiana Ratha Yatra
Hare krsna, pamho!
All glories to Srila Prabhupada,
Dear Maharaj/Prabhu/mataji,
It gives us great pleasure to announce the date for Sri Sri Jagannath Ratha-Yatra in Ludhiana. It will take place on Saturday the 7th Oct.2006 and Hare Krsna Mahotsav on Sunday the 8th Oct.2006. Place and time of this festival will be notified later. Please make a note in your dairy of this important event.
Yours servant,
Rajsuya dasa G.M.
For more info please visit: Iskcon, Ludhiana. India. Cell # -+91-93169-70600
Kuli Mela 2006 - A festival of love and healing
2,154 Views hasta el 2012 » Kuli Mela 2006 - A festival of love and healing
Here in New Vrindavan we have 500 plus Gurukulis from all over the world gathered for an unprecended event. It started wednesday 14th June and will finish on sunday 18th. A wide variety of programmes from Mrndanga workshops with Bhima Karna, Dance with Sri Keshava, Writing with Madhava Smullen and many seminars on finding the right career, healing trauma to many workshops on spiritual development are taking place as well as the focal point- KIRTAN! There is a kirtan Kutir central to the whole programme led and attended by many devotional and skilled kirtaneers from the Kuli crowd. Kulis love kirtan more than anyone I have ever seen.
In the evenings at the Palace of Gold grounds there are first class entertainments ranging from comedy with Yadhunath and his wife, Music from Jaggy from the UK, dancing from Sri Keshava and many many more talented artists too many to name.
It is very exciting and enlivening to have so many wonderful Iskcon youth here in New Vrindaban. They have come with a mood of wanting to help us make a difference in our society. The energy they are generating here is potent and if carried through into the future will no doubt make a wave of change and dynamic growth as exemplified by the quotes below that I gathered today. I asked a simple question- “what does Kulimela mean to you?”
Syamasundar (ACBSP) “It’s time to pass the baton. Srila Prabhupada’s wave passed around the world and the pool is silencing-time for another BIG SPLASH! Only these beautiful kids can do it!”
Vaiyasaki (ACBSP)-Kirtaneer and author ” It’s gratifying to see that Srila Prabhupadas Iskcon is in good hands. Here at Kuli Mela I see dedicated young people who have accepted Lord Caitanyas mission as their life and soul. All glories to these sincere devotees!”
Sri Keshava dasi- recording artist/ dancer- ” Kuli Mela is an opportunity for devotees to share their time and talents in an environment of love, acceptance and encouragement”
Mercy Kretina, New Vrindavan Kuli- “to me Kulimela means togetherness of all Krsnas children and reminding each other to remember Krsna always.
Manu dasa from Montreal- ” Kulimela is an important event in that it brings people together to help balance material and spiritual life, and to look to our future in Iskcon.”
Kaishori devi dasi - “Kulimela means that the younger generation are getting empowerment to carry the legacy of love that Prabhupada has left us. The Kulis are the hope for this society to act in such a way that they learn from the mistakes that Iskcon went through in the past, rectify them and make Iskcon the beautiful society that Prabhupada established”
Vishnu Raghubar from NYC- ” Meeting new friends, getting together and having Kirtan and Krsna Katha is what Kulimela means to me. Talking with each other and discussing how to make our community better.”
All glories to the Kuli’s- welcome home, you have arrived in grand style!!
YS Hari dasa
"Could you have your girlfriend create us a new van?"
Present location: Sacremento, California
I just stopped one student who was sitting in his car and showed him a Bhagavad-Gita. He became interested and told me that his girlfriend is into this stuff. After he gave a donation, he asked if this teaches you yogic powers. I said that the yogic powers are kind of a side-track or a distraction. I told him how bogus saints in India produce gold out of thin air and thus convince foolish people that they are God. He told me that his girlfriend also has created things out of air, and that they try to "create their own day", what he meant by that was him and his girlfriend wake up, and they each meditate on what they would like to happen that day, and it usually comes true. At that point I asked him, pointing to our sankirtan van which was parked nearby, "Could you have your girlfriend create us a new van?" He laughed at that joke and told me that him and his girlfriend would enjoy reading the book. So many people like this, the young people of America, are so ripe for this knowledge. I am just trying to do my best to harvest and plant as many seeds as I possibly can.
"Book distribution is a shortcut to Krishna"
Present location: Sacremento, California
"Book distribution is a shortcut to Krishna"- Kavicandra Maharaja said that he heard Srila Prabhupada say this.
In my own personal life, I have found that statement to be very true. The more we surrender to the mission of distributing books, the faster our progress towards Krishna is accelerated. As for my own life, I have realized how terrible and insane this material world is, and am realizing the horrors of this material world more clearly every day. I want to take the fastest route out of this material world, and so I have no choice but to distribute books.
"Book distribution is a shortcut to Krishna"- Kavicandra Maharaja said that he heard Srila Prabhupada say this.
In my own personal life, I have found that statement to be very true. The more we surrender to the mission of distributing books, the faster our progress towards Krishna is accelerated. As for my own life, I have realized how terrible and insane this material world is, and am realizing the horrors of this material world more clearly every day. I want to take the fastest route out of this material world, and so I have no choice but to distribute books.
"When the going gets tough, the tough get going"
Present location: Chico, California
One big realization came today- A lot of people say no, but the more people I stop, the more chance someone will take a book. For instance, 10 people may tell me no, but sooner or later, the next person will say yes and give a donation for a Gita. If I just continue to stop people more and more, someone is bound to take a book sooner or later. So the times people tell me "No" are not affecting me as much as they used to. What is that saying? "When the going gets tough, the tough get going". So the more people who tell me no, then the more people I have to stop, and then someone will take a book sooner or later.
Every new day that we distribute books seems to be like an ever-increasing experience of the perfection of the spiritual world, like every day the perfection of the spiritual world seems to be revealed more and more. That is what distributing books does for me, and thus I cannot stop. I am simply striving to truly accept Krishna as the only shelter, and to become akincana, striving to possess only Krishna. If only I can get to that point.
Every new day that we distribute books seems to be like an ever-increasing experience of the perfection of the spiritual world, like every day the perfection of the spiritual world seems to be revealed more and more. That is what distributing books does for me, and thus I cannot stop. I am simply striving to truly accept Krishna as the only shelter, and to become akincana, striving to possess only Krishna. If only I can get to that point.
Book Distribution in Santa Cruz, San Jose, Sacremento, Chico
Present location: Chico, California
I would like to speak a little bit about the book distribution in Santa Cruz, California, as well as the temple in San Jose.
We spent a total of 7 days or so in Santa Cruz, California, and found it to be one of the most peaceful and spiritual places in the country. There were so many people who were very much into spirituality there. Altogether, between the two of us, we probably distributed about 400 Bhagavad-Gitas at the college there. That is going to have a serious impact on the places, I think. The conceptions of Krishna consciousness will probably catch on a lot more there, after all the books that were distributed there. The college is situated in the midst of a redwood forest, so it was also good for our consciousness to be there, the forest being in the mode of goodness.
We also have visited the San Jose temple, which is an extraordinary temple. The whole mood of the temple is focused around book distribution, and as a result, everyone there is blissful. It is a small temple, just a small building, but there is much bhakti there. It is run by Vaisesika prabhu, who was in India at the time. The temple is all congregation, which is quite amazing, considering that they work a 5-day workweek on their job, and then on the weekend they go out to distribute books. They are very dedicated devotees. They distributed altogether about 3,000 books in a period of two weeks, I believe. That is no small achievement. The San Jose temple is exemplary, and should serve as a model for other temples to emulate. It is very simple- book distribution is the main focus, and as a result, everyone is happy there.
We also went to Sacremento, and it is a nice place. I met a devotee there, who said that there is a group of people who do chanting and prasadam, and so I went to meet them at the yoga club they had. The people denied they were Hare Krishnas, but the guy was wearing tulasi beads and he said he did chanting. I think they were just trying to be "undercover" since they were teaching a hatha-yoga class, and didn't want people to know they were Hare Krishnas.
Presently we just landed in Chico, and this is a peaceful area. Hopefully we can give a few books here and help plant some future seeds for Krishna consciousness.
We spent a total of 7 days or so in Santa Cruz, California, and found it to be one of the most peaceful and spiritual places in the country. There were so many people who were very much into spirituality there. Altogether, between the two of us, we probably distributed about 400 Bhagavad-Gitas at the college there. That is going to have a serious impact on the places, I think. The conceptions of Krishna consciousness will probably catch on a lot more there, after all the books that were distributed there. The college is situated in the midst of a redwood forest, so it was also good for our consciousness to be there, the forest being in the mode of goodness.
We also have visited the San Jose temple, which is an extraordinary temple. The whole mood of the temple is focused around book distribution, and as a result, everyone there is blissful. It is a small temple, just a small building, but there is much bhakti there. It is run by Vaisesika prabhu, who was in India at the time. The temple is all congregation, which is quite amazing, considering that they work a 5-day workweek on their job, and then on the weekend they go out to distribute books. They are very dedicated devotees. They distributed altogether about 3,000 books in a period of two weeks, I believe. That is no small achievement. The San Jose temple is exemplary, and should serve as a model for other temples to emulate. It is very simple- book distribution is the main focus, and as a result, everyone is happy there.
We also went to Sacremento, and it is a nice place. I met a devotee there, who said that there is a group of people who do chanting and prasadam, and so I went to meet them at the yoga club they had. The people denied they were Hare Krishnas, but the guy was wearing tulasi beads and he said he did chanting. I think they were just trying to be "undercover" since they were teaching a hatha-yoga class, and didn't want people to know they were Hare Krishnas.
Presently we just landed in Chico, and this is a peaceful area. Hopefully we can give a few books here and help plant some future seeds for Krishna consciousness.
- BIBLIA - LINKS en - domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012
- BIOGRAFÍAS - LINKS - - domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012
- EGIPTO - LINKS - - domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012
- Deepak Chopra - Eckchart Tolle - LINKS - - martes, 28 de agosto de 2012
- HISTORIA en GENERAL - LINKS - jueves, 4 de octubre de 2012
Deepak Chopra - Eckchart Tolle - LINKS -
- JESUCRITO I - viernes 13 de enero de 2012
- Mundo Religioso 1 - miércoles 28 de diciembre de 2011
- Mundo Religioso 2 - jueves 29 de diciembre de 2011
- Mitología Universal 1 (Asturiana) - jueves 29 de diciembre de 2011
- El Narrador de Cuentos - UNO - jueves 29 de diciembre de 2011
- El Narrador de Cuentos - DOS - jueves 29 de diciembre de 2011
- Medicina Natural - Las Plantas Medicinales 1 (Teoría) - miércoles 28 de diciembre de 2011
- Medicina Natural - Plantas Medicinales 1 y 2 (Visión de las Plantas) - miércoles 28 de diciembre de 2011
- Practica de MEDITATION & RELAXATION 1 - viernes 6 de enero de 2012
- Practica de MEDITATION & RELAXATION 2 - sábado 7 de enero de 2012
- KRSNA - RAMA - VISHNU - jueves 16 de febrero de 2012
- Gopal Krishna Movies - jueves 16 de febrero de 2012
- Yamuna Devi Dasi - jueves 16 de febrero de 2012
- SRILA PRABHUPADA I - miércoles 15 de febrero de 2012
- SRILA PRABHUPADA II - miércoles 15 de febrero de 2012
- KUMBHA MELA - miércoles 15 de febrero de 2012
- AVANTIKA DEVI DASI - NÉCTAR BHAJANS - miércoles 15 de febrero de 2012
- GANGA DEVI MATA - miércoles 15 de febrero de 2012
- SLOKAS y MANTRAS I - lunes 13 de febrero de 2012
- GAYATRI & SHANTI MANTRAS - martes 14 de febrero de 2012
- Lugares Sagrados de la India 1 - miércoles 28 de diciembre de 2011
- Devoción - PLAYLIST - jueves 29 de diciembre de 2011
- La Sabiduria de los Maestros 1 - jueves 29 de diciembre de 2011
- La Sabiduria de los Maestros 2 - jueves 29 de diciembre de 2011
- La Sabiduria de los Maestros 3 - jueves 29 de diciembre de 2011
- La Sabiduria de los Maestros 4 - jueves 29 de diciembre de 2011
- La Sabiduría de los Maestros 5 - jueves 29 de diciembre de 2011
- Universalidad 1 - miércoles 4 de enero de 2012
- Biografía de los Clasicos Antiguos Latinos 1 - viernes 30 de diciembre de 2011
- Swami Premananda - PLAYLIST - jueves 29 de diciembre de 2011
- Emperadores Romanos I - domingo 1 de enero de 2012
- Ajenaton, momias doradas, Hatshepsut, Cleopatra - sábado 31 de diciembre de 2011
- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO I - jueves 12 de enero de 2012
- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO II - sábado 14 de enero de 2012
- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO III - lunes 16 de enero de 2012
- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO IV - martes 17 de enero de 2012
- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO V - miércoles 18 de enero de 2012
- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO VI - sábado 21 de enero de 2012
- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO VII - martes 24 de enero de 2012
- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO VIII - viernes 27 de enero de 2012
La Bíblia
- El Mundo Bíblico 1 - lunes 2 de enero de 2012 (de danizia)
- El Mundo Bíblico 2 - martes 3 de enero de 2012 (de danizia)
- El Mundo Bíblico 3 - sábado 14 de enero de 2012
- El Mundo Bíblico 4 - sábado 14 de enero de 2012
- El Mundo Bíblico 5 - martes 21 de febrero de 2012
- El Mundo Bíblico 6 - miércoles 22 de febrero de 2012
- La Bíblia I - lunes 20 de febrero de 2012
- La Bíblia II - martes 10 de enero de 2012
- La Biblia III - martes 10 de enero de 2012
- La Biblia IV - miércoles 11 de enero de 2012
- La Biblia V - sábado 31 de diciembre de 2011
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- Greek font: BibliaLS Normal
- Greek font: BibliaLS Bold
- Greek font: BibliaLS Bold Italic
- Greek font: BibliaLS Italic
- Hebrew font: Ezra SIL
- Hebrew font: Ezra SIL SR
Disculpen las Molestias
2007 | CORREO 2007 (193)SC • 11SK • 80EA • 901SC • |
2008 | CORREO 2008 (609)SC • 1566JC • 1135SC • 1134SC |
Antiguedad | Faraones (1) (1158)SC • Faraones (2) (1407)SC • Dinastía (1408)SC • Egyptian pantheon o Dioses egipcios (4922)JC |
TABLA de Greek Mythology
Category: Greek Mythology | A - Amp | Amp - Az | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q- R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Greek Mythology stub | Ab - Al | Ale - Ant | Ant - Az | B | C | D | E | F - G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q - R | R | S | T | A - K | L - Z | Category:Greek deity stubs (593)EA2 | A | B | C | D | E | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | S | T | U | Z
TABLA de Mitología Romana
TABLA de Otras Ramas de Mitología
Mitología en General 1 | Mitología en General 2 | Category:Festivals in Ancient Greece (2865)JC | Category:Indo-European mythology | Category:Festivals in Ancient Greece (1483)JC | Category:Ancient Olympic Games (1484)JC | Category:Ancient Olympic Games (2876)JC | Category:Ancient Olympic competitors (2889)JC | Category:Ancient Olympic competitors (1485)JC | Category:Ancient Olympic competitors (2910)JC | Category:Ancient Greek athletes (2938)JC | Category:Ancient Greek athletes (1486)JC | Mitología General (3033)SC | 101SC | 3132SC | 3048SC | 3060SC | 3118SC | 3095SC | 876SC | 938SC | 986SC | 1289SC | 1109SC | 1407SC | 1107SC | 2494JC | 2495JC | 2876JC | 2865JC | 2889JC | 2938JC | 2596JC | 2606JC | 2621JC | 2450JC | 1476JC | 1477JC | 2825JC | 2740JC | 2694JC | 2806JC | 2738JC | 2660JC | 2808JC | 2734JC | 2703JC | 2910JC | 3051SK
TABLA - Religión Católica
- Religión Católica
- Via Crucis desde Roma - 10/04/2009 (Completo) ( Oficiado por su Santidad el Papa Benedicto XVI). Papa Juan Pablo II (Karol Wojtyla). (Rosarium Mysteria Gloriosa | Rosarium Mysteria Doloris
- Rosarium Mysteria Gaudii)
- Category:Roman Catholicism (3219)SK
- Catolicismo (3220)SK
- Pope o Papas (3243)SK 3. Handel: Brockes Passion, HWV 48 / Marcus Creed (OedipusColoneus) (3243)SK 4. Handel: Brockes Passion, HWV 48 / Marcus Creed (OedipusColoneus) (3243)SK
- Category:Popes (3221)SK
- Listado de Papas desde Pedro hasta el presente (738)EA2
- Catholics
- Misa del Santo Padre Benedicto XVI en la Beatificación del Papa Juan Pablo II
- Juan Pablo II, nuevo beato
- Santos Católicos
- Beato Juan Pablo II - Su Peregrinaje y Su Vida - 1978 al 1986
- Catholics
- Sri Garga-Samhita
- Oraciones Selectas al Señor Supremo
- Devotees Vaishnavas
- Dandavat pranams - All glories to Srila Prabhupada
- Hari Katha
- Buddhism
- El Antiguo Egipto I | Archivo Cervantes | Sivananda Yoga
- Neale Donald Walsch
- Otros Apartados
- Mejoras
- juancastaneira - JC
- sricaitanyadas - SC
- srikrishnadas - SK
- elagua2 - EA2
- elagua - EA
- casaindiasricaitanyamahaprabhu - CA
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